Catalog 2021-2022

Changes in Enrollment

Changes in enrollment during an academic period (such as official withdrawals† from The University, dropping classes, or otherwise ceasing to attend all courses, or change the number of credits taken during the period) may impact the aid awarded for that period. The Financial Aid Office may be required to review and return all or a portion of your aid for that period. 

For federal student aid, only courses that count towards meeting the requirements of your degree can be used to determing your enrollment status (i.e. full-time, 3/4-time, half-time, less than half-time, not enrolled). This means your enrollment status for federal student aid eligibility may be different from your enrollment status in your Academic Record. 

Faculty award the grade of "NF" (no-show, failure) to any student who has not officially withdrawn yet has stopped participating at some point in the semester.  The "NF" grade is equivalent to an "F". Students awarded all “NF” or all “F” grades also will be reviewed to determine if a return of funds is required. Students who earn all '"NF" or all "F" grades may be considered to have 'unofficially withdrawn' from the academic period. 

Students who withdraw during an academic period may also lose future aid eligibility. See the section on Renewal of Awards for more information.  

†Withdrawal date is defined as the date on which the student began the institution’s official withdrawal process, the student’s last date of recorded attendance or academically related activity, or the midpoint of the semester if the aforementioned dates cannot be determined. The withdrawal date is determined by the Financial Aid Office.