Catalog 2021-2022

Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice

Faculty: Associate Professor Hilinski-Rosick, Chair; Professor Branch; Associate Professors Capsambelis, Hart, Michel; Assistant Professors Connealy, Dulisse, Fitch, Paez, Robinson, Severson; Assistant Teaching Professor Ladny.

The criminology and criminal justice major leads to a Bachelor of Science degree. Study in this discipline prepares a student to enter graduate school, law school, or secure an entry-level position in the criminal justice field.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice to provide criminological education, research and services to students, practitioners, policymakers, and the community through an intellectually challenging environment that promotes collegiality and an educational experience relevant to crime and criminological theory that is meant to engage intellectual inquiry with domestic and international perspectives.

The goals of the criminology and criminal justice major are to familiarize students with theoretical perspectives in criminology; to convey an accurate sense of the historical development of the discipline; to assure that students acquire a comprehensive understanding of the nature and extent of crime; to convey to students a solid understanding of the components, operations and processes of the criminal justice system; to create opportunities for students to obtain hands-on experience; and to assist students in developing effective communication skills.


Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Purposes/Goals
  • Familiarize students with the basic concepts related to criminology and criminal justice including the history of the field of criminology and the three components of the criminal justice system including law enforcement, the courts, and corrections.
  • Prepare students to engage in the collection of scholarly research in the field of criminology and criminal justice and the application of basic research methods including research design, data analysis, and the interpretation of findings.
  • Offer students the opportunity to engage in service and experiential learning opportunities through internships in local criminal justice agencies and other service-learning activities.
  • Provide students with an understanding of the nature and extent of crime occurring in the United States.
  • Assist students in gaining a recognition and understanding of an international perspective of the problem of crime.
  • Provide students with a comprehensive background related to the theories of criminal behavior that are recognized by academicians in the field of criminology.

Transfer Credits

Please note that many institutions offer three-credit hour courses. Any student who is approved to transfer a three credit hour course into the program must understand he or she must still obtain 44 credit hours to complete the major.