Catalog 2021-2022

Graduation Requirements

Minimum Grade for MUS Courses in Major

All Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Bachelor of Music in Performance, and Bachelor of Arts degree candidates must receive a grade of “C” or better for any MUS course in order for it to be counted toward their music degree requirements.

Recital/Concert Attendance

Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Bachelor of Music in Performance, and Bachelor of Arts in Music degree candidates (Instrumentalist or Vocalist tracks only) must pass MUS 269 Recital/Concert Attendance based on the number of semesters they are in residency at UT as a music degree candidate:

  • 8+ semesters at UT = 6 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 7 semesters at UT = 5 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 6 semesters at UT = 4 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 5 semesters at UT = 3 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 4 semesters at UT = 2 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 3 semesters at UT = 1 semesters of passing MUS 269
  • 2 semesters at UT = 1 semester of passing MUS 269

Students in the Technologist track of the Bachelor of Arts in Music degree must pass MUS 269 Recital/Concert Attendance one time only.

Language Requirements (Music Performance Majors - Vocalist Track Only)

Students in the Vocalist track of the Bachelor of Music in Performance degree are required to take courses in two different foreign languages selected from German, Italian or French. These courses may also be counted toward Baccalaureate Experience requirements.


Music Education Teacher Certification

Prior to their internship semester and/or graduation, all Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree candidates must submit documentation confirming the completion of the following items to the Director of Music Education:

  1. 100 hours of field experience in K-12 classrooms, divided according to area of specialization
  2. Passing scores on the two relevant Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE): the Professional Education and Music K-12 exams

Music Exit Exam

Students in the Bachelor of Music in Music Education, Bachelor of Music in Performance, Bachelor of Arts in Music (Instrumentalist track) and Bachelor of Arts in Music (Vocalist track) degree programs are required to complete the Music Exit Exam prior to graduation. Students in the Bachelor of Arts in Music (Technologist track) degree program are not required to complete the Music Exit Exam. Students must take the Music Exit Exam during their final semester of study.