Catalog 2021-2022

Academic Residence Requirements

Semester Residence

No more than 4 credit hours from another institution may be applied toward a student's University of Tampa degree requirements in any spring or fall semester in which the student is enrolled and taking a full course load (12 credit hours or more) at the University.

Graduation Residence

Candidates for graduation at The University of Tampa must have successfully completed at least 25 percent of the total credit hours for their degree in residence at UT, and have completed at least 31 of their last 35 credit hours in residence.  Nonresidence credit (including, but not limited to, credit taken at another institution or earned through CLEP examination) may not be granted to fulfill the last 31 credit hours earned toward a University of Tampa undergraduate degree, with the exception of up to 12 credits of study abroad courses taken through a University of Tampa sponsored study abroad program.

Under special circumstances, a student may request permission through the academic appeals process to take coursework at another university that requires a waiver of the 31 of 35 hour requirement. Information regarding the process may be obtained in the Academic Success Center.