Catalog 2013-2014

Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology

Degree Requirements

Common Prerequisite Required Courses (may be taken within A.A. Degree):

MAC 2311Calculus I with Analytic Geometry

5 credits

STA 2023Elementary Statistics I

3 credits

BSC 2010General Biology I

3 credits

BSC 2010LGeneral Biology I Lab

1 credit

BSC 2011General Biology II

3 credits

BSC 2011LGeneral Biology II Lab

1 credit

CHM 1045General Chemistry I

3 credits

CHM 1045LGeneral Chemistry I Lab

1 credit

CHM 1046General Chemistry II

3 credits

CHM 1046LGeneral Chemistry II Lab

1 credit

CHM 2210Organic Chemistry I

3 credits

CHM 2210LOrganic Chemistry I Lab

1 credit

CHM 2211Organic Chemistry II

3 credits

CHM 2211LOrganic Chemistry II Lab

1 credit

Requires a grade of ā€œCā€ or higher.

Core Biology Concentration (Required: 33 credits)

BCH 4053Biochemistry I

3 credits

BCH 4053LBiochemistry I Laboratory

1 credit

BSC 3931Junior Seminar I

1 credit

BSC 3932Junior Seminar II

1 credit

BSC 4910Senior Project I

1 credit

BSC 4911Senior Project II

1 credit

MCB 3023General Microbiology

3 credits

MCB 3023LGeneral Microbiology Laboratory

1 credit

PCB 3063Introduction to Genetics

3 credits

PCB 3063LIntroduction to Genetics Laboratory

1 credit

PCB 4024Molecular Biology

3 credits

PCB 4043General Ecology

3 credits

PCB 3674Evolutionary Biology

3 credits


PHY 2053College Physics I

3 credits

PHY 2053LCollege Physics I Lab

1 credit

PHY 2054College Physics II

3 credits

PHY 2054LCollege Physics II Lab

1 credit


PHY 2048Physics with Calculus I

3 credits

PHY 2048LPhysics with Calculus I Lab

1 credit

PHY 2049Physics with Calculus II

3 credits

PHY 2049LPhysics with Calculus II Lab

1 credit

Major Concentration (Molecular/Biotechnology: 27 credits)

BCH 4054Biochemistry II

3 credits

BOT 3015Plant Biology

3 credits

BSC 3464Biotechnology I

3 credits

BSC 3464LBiotechnology I Laboratory

1 credit

BSC 3465Biotechnology II

3 credits

BSC 3465LBiotechnology II Laboratory

1 credit

BSC 4422Applications in Biotechnology

3 credits

BSC 4434Introduction to Bioinformatics

3 credits

PCB 4023Cell Biology and Physiology

3 credits

PCB 4233Immunology

3 credits

PCB 4023LCell Biology & Physiology Laboratory

1 credit