Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy - BS to BSN program Florida


Note: the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy and Requirements described below are specific to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the Orlando (Lake Mary), Florida campus.

All students must meet ECPI University’s minimum standards of academic achievement and course completion progress requirements while enrolled at ECPI University.  ECPI University’s satisfactory academic progress standards (“SAP”) have two primary components: one is qualitative and the other is quantitative.  The qualitative component requires certain minimum cumulative grade point averages be achieved as of certain measuring points and the quantitative component requires completing courses at a certain pace in order to complete an educational program within the allowed maximum timeframe.   

The qualitative and quantitative components of SAP are evaluated as of each Minimum Measurement Point based upon grades, credit or clock hours attempted and credit or clock hours completed as indicated on a student’s transcript as of the end of the Grading Period ending contemporaneously with the most recent Minimum Measurement Point being reached. Minimum Measurement Points occur at the end of each Financial Aid Payment Period and in addition thereto, at the applicable Minimum Measuring Point as a percent of Program Length indicated in the charts below.

ECPI University’s satisfactory academic progress standards are the same for all students without regard to whether they receive financial assistance under Title IV, HEA programs (“Title IV”) or other financial aid and without regard to whether they are a full-time or part-time student.

A student that fails to satisfy the SAP requirements at any Minimum Measuring Point and is not placed on either Financial Aid Warning or Financial Aid Probation status shall no longer be eligible to receive assistance under the Title IV programs.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Definitions

“Appeal” means the appeal by a student of a determination by the School that a student has not meet the SAP requirements and  is commenced by submitting an Appeal Request in compliance with the Appeal Procedures set forth below in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals and Waivers section of this Catalog.

“Appeal Procedures” means the procedures set forth below in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals and Waivers section of this Catalog that a student must follow to Appeal a determination that a student has failed to satisfy SAP standards and to obtain Financial Aid Probation status.

“Appeal Request” means a written document that contains the information required by the Appeal Procedures set forth below in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals and Waivers section of this Catalog.

“CGPA” means a student’s cumulative grade point average calculated as set forth below in the Qualitative Component of Satisfactory Academic Progress section of this Catalog.

“Grading Period” is a period of instruction for which the student receives a final grade that is recorded on a student’s transcript for a particular course.

“Financial Aid Payment Period” means a period of time which generally consists of twelve weeks of instructional time, but never less than ten weeks of instructional time.

“Financial Aid Probation” means the status assigned by the School to a student who (i) is on Financial Aid Warning status and fails to make satisfactory academic progress at the end of the first Financial Aid Payment Period or other Minimum Measuring Point occurring after student was placed on Financial Aid Warning status; (ii) has appealed the SAP failure determination made by the School and (iii) after considering the Appeal, the School has determined the student should be able to meet SAP requirements in the next Financial Aid Payment Period or the School has developed an academic plan that if followed will insure the student is able to meet SAP requirements by a specific time.

“Financial Aid Warning” means the status assigned to a student who is on SAP Met status and subsequently fails to satisfy SAP requirements at the end of a Financial Aid Payment Period or as of any other Minimum Measuring Point.

“Minimum CGPA” shall have the meaning set forth below in the Qualitative Component of Satisfactory Academic Progress section of this Catalog.

“Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credit Hours Completed Requirement” shall have the meaning set forth below in the Quantitative Component Of Satisfactory Academic Progress section of this Catalog and the specific Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credit Hours Completed Requirement as of each Minimum Measuring Point for various programs are delineated in the Minimum Credits Completed Requirements chart set forth below in the Quantitative Component of Satisfactory Academic Progress section of this Catalog.

 “Minimum Measurement Point” shall mean the end of each Financial Aid Payment Period as defined herein for each program classification and in addition thereto the applicable Minimum Measuring Point as a percent of Program Length, Minimum Measuring Point in Credit Hour Attempted, Minimum Measuring Point in Clock Hours Attempted and Minimum Measuring Point in Modules indicated in the charts set forth below.

“MTF” shall have the meaning set forth below in the Quantitative Component of Satisfactory Academic Progress section of this Catalog.

Qualitative Component of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

The qualitative component of SAP requires the achievement of specified minimum cumulative grade point average (“Minimum CGPA”) as of certain measuring points which are defined above as the Minimum Measuring Points.  Except as provided below, the cumulative grade point average, CGPA, is calculated using the grades for all courses for which a grade was received, other than a “W”, or “I” during the Grading Periods in which the courses were completed as of the time a Minimum Measurement Point is reached.  If a student receives the temporary grade of “I”, the grade received upon completion of the course or “F” if the course is not completed within time allowed for completion will be used to calculate the CGPA.  However, if a student repeats a course, without regard to whether the previous grade was a failing or a passing grade, the new grade will be used and all prior grades for the repeated will not be included in the grades used to calculate the CGPA.  The grades received for credit hours from another institution, other than another ECPI University campus, that are accepted for transfer towards a student’s program will not be included in the calculation of the CGPA but will be included in the determination of the Minimum Measurement Point.  The grades received for credit hours from another ECPI University campus, that are accepted for transfer towards a student’s program will be included in the calculation of the CGPA and will be included in the of the determination of the Minimum Measurement Point.  The Minimum CGPA Requirement chart below lists program lengths and the Minimum CGPA required at the end of the Grading Period wherein each of the Minimum Measurement Points is initially met or exceeded.



Program Length

(Minimum # of Months Required to Complete Program)

Minimum Measurement Point (as a percent of Program Length)

Minimum CGPA Requirement

Minimum Measurement Point in Financial Aid Payment Periods




End of Payment Period 1




End of Payment Period 2




End of Payment Period 3





End of Payment Period 4 and each Payment Period thereafter


If a student’s CGPA falls below the minimum required CGPA at any Minimum Measuring Point, the student will be notified in writing of the consequences of not maintaining satisfactory academic progress including if such failure will impact a student’s Title IV eligibility, cause the student to receive a Financial Aid Warning or require student to Appeal the determination to be placed on Financial Aid Probation to have Title IV eligibility reinstated.

Quantitative Component of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

The quantitative component of SAP requires the completion, as of the Minimum Measuring Points, of a minimum number of credits hours after attempting a certain number of credit hours. The number of credit hours required to be completed as of each Minimum Measuring Point is measured as a percentage of the total credit hours required to complete the program that will have been attempted by a student as each Minimum Measuring Point is reached (the “Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credit Hours Completed Requirement”).  The quantitative component of SAP measures whether a student is progressing through the program at a rate that will ensure the student graduates within a maximum timeframe.  The maximum timeframe (“MTF”) for completion of a program is one and one-half times the program length. The MTF is measured in credit hours for credit hour courses and clock hours for clock hour courses.

The number of credit hours required to be completed depends upon the length of the program.  A credit hour is completed when a grade other than “W” or “I” is assigned to the credit or clock hour. If a student receives the temporary grade of “I”, the grade received upon completion of the course or “F”, if the course is not completed within time allowed for completion, will be used to determine the number of completed credit hours used to measure whether the Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credits Completed Requirement has been satisfied as of a Minimum Measuring Point. The credit hours assigned to courses for which a student receives a “W” will be included in the determination of the number of credit hours attempted that is used to measure whether the Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credits Completed Requirement has been satisfied as of a Minimum Measuring Point.  The credit hours from another institution, including another ECPI University campus, that are accepted for transfer towards a student’s program will be included as both credit hours attempted and completed in the determination of whether the Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credits Completed Requirement has been satisfied as of a Minimum Measurement Point. Courses repeated will be included the as both credit hours attempted and completed in the determination of whether the Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credit Hours Completed Requirement has been satisfied as of a Minimum Measurement Point. The number of credit hours completed and attempted as indicated on a student’s transcript at the end of the Grading Period ending contemporaneously with the most recent Minimum Measurement Point being reached will be used to determine if the Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credits Completed Requirement has been satisfied as of a Minimum Measurement Point. 

The Minimum Credits Completed Requirement chart below lists program lengths and the Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credits Completed Requirement that must be satisfied as of each respective Payment Period for degree students.

The Quantitative Component of SAP will be evaluated at the end of each Financial Aid Payment Period for degree Programs to determine if the Minimum Percentage of Total Program Credit Hours Completed Requirement has been satisfied.

Minimum Credits Completed Requirement.

Program Length
(minimum # of Quarters
required to complete program)
Measurement Point
in Financial Aid Payment
Minimum Percentage of Total Program
Credit Hours Complete Requirement
   End of Payment Period 1 10%
   End of Payment Period 2  20%
 End of Payment Period 3 40%
   End of Payment Period 4 60%
   End of Payment Period 5 80%
   End of Payment Period 6 100%

If a student cannot complete the program within the MTF, the student will be notified in writing that the student will not be able to meet the SAP requirements and that as a consequence that the student will be dropped and such failure will impact a student’s eligibility to receive assistance under the Title IV programs.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeals.

Please see ECPI University Catalog Academic Polices for descriptions of the Satisfactory Academic Progress warning, probation, dismissal, and appeals processes.