Catalog 2024-2025

Naval Science (Naval ROTC)

The Naval Science Program at the University of South Florida is administered by the Naval Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (NROTC) unit. This program affords selected men and women the opportunity to receive instruction in Navy-specified courses which, in conjunction with the baccalaureate degree, qualify them for a commission in the United States Navy or Marine Corps. Students enrolled in the University who are physically and mentally qualified are eligible to apply for the NROTC program. As naval officers, USF NROTC graduates become eligible for varied careers, serving in aviation squadrons, on surface ships, on submarines, or in the numerous sub-specialties as an officer of the Marine Corps. With the consent of the professor of naval science, any student, although not enrolled in the NROTC program, is eligible for enrollment in naval science courses. The USF NROTC Unit offers participation through three programs: (1) the Navy-Marine Corps Four-Year Scholarship Program, (2) the Navy-Marine Corps College Program, (3) the Two-Year and Three-Year NROTC Scholarship Program. Students may be selected from any major, but 85 percent of scholarships are awarded to those in technical majors. (Visit to learn more.)

The Navy-Marine cORPS Four-Year Scholarship Program — The NROTC Scholarship Program is open to young men and women of all races, creeds and national origins who are U.S. citizens. Students are selected on their own merit to become officers in the United States Navy or Marine Corps. Scholarship students are appointed midshipmen, U.S. Navy Reserve, or U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. The Navy pays for tuition, fees, textbooks, uniforms and a monthly subsistence allowance of up to $400 for four years. At the University of Tampa, housing and food are also provided. Scholarship students are normally selected through national competition during their senior year of high school. Each year, 10 professor of naval science scholarships are available through a competitive selection process to African American and Hispanic students with academic potential who have yet to demonstrate their performance in a college environment, or who have completed at least one, but not more than two, semesters of coursework at the University with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and with no grade below “C.” Although it is not a requirement, a student in the NROTC Scholarship Program is encouraged to pursue a major in engineering, mathematics, chemistry or physics to meet the technological requirements of the Navy. Other fields of study for a major leading to a baccalaureate degree are permitted, with the approval of the professor of naval science. Regardless of the major, every Navy scholarship student must complete one year of calculus-based physics and one year of calculus.

Students must include certain Navy-specified courses in their program and complete a program of courses as prescribed by the professor of naval science. Upon graduation and successful completion of the naval science curriculum, the midshipman receives a commission as ensign in the U.S. Navy or second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and serves on active duty for a minimum of four years.

The Navy-Marine Corps College Program (Non-Scholarship) — The NROTC College Program is designed to train and educate well-qualified young men and women for commissioning. Selected students are appointed as midshipmen in the Naval Reserve or Marine Corps Reserve prior to commencement of the Advanced Course in the junior year. The Navy pays for uniforms and naval science textbooks during the four-year period, and during the junior and senior years, pays the midshipman up to a $400 per month subsistence allowance. Each student is selected for enrollment in the program on the basis of past academic performance, potential, personal interviews and a physical examination. A college program midshipman acquires a military service obligation only after entering the Advanced Course at the beginning of the junior year.

Although there are no restrictions on the major students may choose, it is highly recommended that they pursue a course of study similar to that of scholarship students. Students must also include in their program certain Navy-specified courses and a program of courses in naval science. Upon graduation and successful completion of the naval science curriculum, the student receives a commission as an ensign in the U.S. Navy or a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and serves on active duty for a minimum of three years.

Two-Year and Three-Year NROTC Scholarship Program — The USF NROTC offers a two-year or three-year national scholarship program designed specifically for students commencing their second or third year of college who have not already earned a NROTC scholarship. Applications must be submitted during the freshman or sophomore year by May 31 to permit processing, personal interviews and a physical examination. Qualifications for acceptance to this program include demonstrated ability to complete college-level science and math courses.

Regardless of the major, every Navy scholarship student must complete one year of calculus-based physics and one year of calculus. Students must include certain Navy-specified courses in their program and complete a program of courses as prescribed by the professor of naval science. Upon graduation and successful completion of the naval science curriculum, the midshipman receives a commission as an ensign in the U.S. Navy or a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and serves on active duty for a minimum of four years.

Summer Training — The NROTC Scholarship Program student is required to complete training of approximately four weeks during each of the three summer recesses. During the first summer period, each scholarship student receives instruction in aviation training, marine combat training, surface warfare indoctrination and submarine indoctrination either in Norfolk, VA, or San Diego, CA. The second summer training is performed aboard operational ships of the U.S. Fleet. During the third summer, candidates for U.S. Navy commissions perform training aboard operational ships or aviation squadrons as junior officers. Some midshipmen cruise with allied navies through the Midshipman Foreign Exchange Program. Transportation costs to and from the training sites, subsistence, quarters and approximately $365 per month is paid to every participating student. The rising senior Marine Option midshipmen attend "Bull Dog" training at the U.S. Marine Corps Base in Quantico, VA. The Marine Option NROTC Summer Training Program, “Bulldog,” is a six-week training program designed to mentally, morally and physically prepare midshipmen for appointment to commissioned grade. An evaluation of midshipmen is made to ensure that they possess the leadership as well as academic and physical qualifications required for appointment to commissioned grade in the Marine Corps.