Catalog 2024-2025

Internships, Practical Training and On-campus Employment for International Students

International students are required to obtain approval from the Office of International Programs prior to engaging in any internships, practical training, or on-campus employment.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) eligibility:

  • Paid or un-paid internships will be for academic course credit OR be an integral part of an established curriculum AND will be related to the student's major field of study.
  • Student will have been enrolled at UT on a full-time basis for one full academic year before being eligible for CPT, except when early participation is mandated by the program, OR if completed a Change of Education level, OR transferred from another school, when proven that they have completed at least 1 full semester in F-1 status, they would be eligible for CPT on their second semester at UT.
  • Student will have a letter from the employer indicating the job title, dates of employment (internship), number of hours of work per week, contact information of their supervisor, and a brief position description detailing how the position is related to the student’s major field of study.
  • Student will work at the internship no more than a total of 20 hours per week when school is in session unless program requirements mandate otherwise (written approval from the Office of International Programs is required). Summer Term exceptions will be approved by International Student Services.
  • Student will continue to maintain a full-time course load of study during the period of employment, if CPT participation occurs during regular semesters (fall and spring). Summer Term, and Final Semester exceptions will be approved by International Student Services.
  • CPT internships may start for up to two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. CPT Internships will end no later than the last day of the semester in which the internship occurs.
  • During the student’s final semester, students can take a zero-credit internship only if enrolled in another credit-bearing course.
  • CPT internship eligibility is authorized for a specific employer, location, and period approved and recorded in SEVIS. A second internship with the same employer is allowed only if the second internship is under a new supervisor and entails different tasks. A third internship with the same employer is not allowed.
  • CPT employment may not delay completion of the academic program.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Ineligibility:

  • Student has already completed all degree requirements. Instead the student should apply for post-completion Optional Practical Training (OPT).
  • Student has officially graduated from UT.
  • Student has not been enrolled at UT for a consecutive, full academic year following return from OPT.
  • CPT is used to facilitate employment rather than for academic learning purpose.

Optional Practical Training (OPT) - Post-Completion eligibility:

  • International students are eligible to apply for OPT during their final semester.
  • International students will have held continuous legal F-1 student status for one full academic year.
  • Employment will be related to the student’s major field of study and appropriate to the student’s level of education.


On-campus Employment Eligibility:
International students are allowed to work on-campus during (fall and spring) regular semesters for no more than 20 hours per week while school is in session. Students can work on-campus for up to 29 hours per week during school breaks and vacations.