Theatre Major

Students majoring in this Bachelor of Arts degree program receive training and experience in theatre. They develop performance skills and repertoire, and participate in main stage and/or studio theatre productions. The program consists of intensive training and development of performance skills through contact with a variety of acting techniques. An audition is required for admission to the program. Contact the director of the theatre program to schedule an appointment.

Students accepted into the program must successfully pass a second-year evaluation review, administered in the spring semester of the second year of study (or, for transfer students, after 60 credit hours are earned). Transfer students who are admitted with junior status are exempt from the evaluation. The second-year evaluation review is to demonstrate the individual’s growth in technique, and indicate the potential for further skill development. The student also must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to continue in the major. Any student who does not successfully complete the evaluation review either will be given probationary continuance in the major (requiring repetition or completion of specified coursework) or will not be allowed to continue in the major. A senior capstone project is required in the final year of study to illustrate the overall growth of the student as a theatre artist.

Degree Requirements

Requirements for Theatre Major

THR 100Voice and Diction


THR 205Oral Performance of Literature


Total Credit Hours:8

Theatre Studies Component

THR 253Survey of World Theatre


THR 254Survey of World Theatre II


THR 245Technical Theatre


THR 246Stage Management and Design


THR 320Play Analysis


THR 420Survey of Dramatic Literature


Total Credit Hours:18

THR 420 Information: students may substitute appropriate ENG dramatic literature courses. Courses such as LIT 282–289 and LIT 309–311 are acceptable. However, students should consult with the program director regarding any course substitutions.

Actor Training Component

THR 101Improvisation for the Theatre


THR 200Movement for the Actor


THR 201Acting I for Majors


THR 202Acting II for Majors


THR 301Acting III for Majors


THR 302Career Development for the Actor



DAN 100Introduction to Dance


Total Credit Hours:21

One of the Following Courses

THR 401Acting Shakespeare


THR 402Advanced Acting Styles


THR 425Directing


Total Credit Hours:3

Theatre Senior Capstone Project Information

Students in the theatre major are required to participate in a theatre senior capstone project during their final year for the completion of the degree program.

THR 448Theatre Senior Capstone Project


Total Credit Hours:1

Performance and Production Techniques

THR 240Theatre Participation


THR 241Musical Participation


THR 242Cabaret Participation


THR 243Studio Theatre Participation


THR 244Logos: Spoken Word Performance Ensemble


Total Credit Hours:0-3

THR 240-244 are optional electives.

THR 240-244 and THR 245 Information

Students in the theatre major may enroll in THR 240, THR 241, THR 242, THR 243 or THR 244 which are the production participation courses (Theatre Participation, Musical Theatre Participation, Cabaret Participation, Studio Theatre Participation and Logos: Spoken Word Ensemble) for a maximum of 3 credit hours as optional electives.

THR 245 Technical Theatre is a required course. These courses are designed to give student college credit for the practical experience gained while performing in, or technically assisting with, a musical production or theatre presentation at The University of Tampa.

THR 240: Theatre majors are required to audition for University Theatre productions. Without prior consultation with the director of the production, students’ participation in the audition process constitutes their agreement to accept any role offered. If cast in a part, the student must accept the role or risk losing his or her scholarship. Students who do not adhere to this policy will not be allowed to audition for any productions or participate in departmental events for the remainder of that academic year.

Suggested Elective Courses

LIT 200Introduction to Shakespeare


LIT 201World Literature I


LIT 202World Literature II


LIT 307Shakespeare's Romances and Tragedies


LIT 308Shakespeare's Comedies and Histories


WRI 240Writing Drama


WRI 247Dramatic Writing for Radio and Alternative Performance


Total Credit Hours: 51-54