Catalog 2024-2025

Regulations on Academic Probation and Dismissal

Academic Standing

Retention standards for undergraduates are shown below and are printed on the student’s grade reports. Academic Standings may not be appealed.

Academic Good Standing

Academic good standing is defined as a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. This standard is in effect for all students, regardless of catalog year. A student who does not maintain the minimum cumulative GPA standard of a 2.0 is placed on academic probation. Students placed on academic probation retain the rights and privileges of any currently enrolled student to participate in university co-curricular activities as long as the student meets all academic requirements of the activity or program.

Note: Students also must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in the courses attempted at the University that are specifically required or to be applied toward their major. The GPA requirements may vary depending upon the major. Always refer to the specific department for details.

Academic Probation

A student whose cumulative UT grade point average falls below 2.0 is no longer in academic good standing and will be placed on academic probation. From the beginning of academic probation, the student must maintain a UT GPA of 2.0 or higher each semester. While on academic probation, the student must complete requirements established by Academic Excellence Programs until the student is in good standing. The student will remain on academic probation as long as their overall UT GPA is below 2.0 and they obtain a UT GPA of 2.0 or greater each semester. Notification of academic probation will be sent from Academic Excellence Programs, in the form of an official email to the student’s Spartans Email account.

The University reserves the right to require action on behalf of any student who is placed on academic probation. Such action may include, but is not limited to, repeating failed courses, taking a reduced course load, participating in the SOAR program, or enrolling in courses designed to assist the student. Grades earned at other institutions are not included in the computation of cumulative grade point averages.

Academic Dismissal

If, at any time while on probation, the student’s semester GPA falls below 2.0, the student will be academically dismissed from the University.

Notification of academic dismissal will be sent to students from the Academic Appeals Committee, in the form of an official email to the student’s Spartans Email account, and noted by the Registrar on the student’s permanent academic record. Students dismissed by the University for Academic Reasons may apply for readmission after one academic year [two regular (fall and spring) semesters] has elapsed or may appeal the one academic year wait.

The deadlines for appealing the one academic year wait or readmission after the one year dismissal is June 1 for the fall term, January 2 for the spring term and April 1 for the summer terms. All appeals and applications for readmission must include a letter to the Academic Appeals Committee written by the student along with supporting documentation, and any information describing activities since dismissal if appropriate which should include transcripts from any other institution since dismissal.

Students seeking readmission, after the one academic year wait, will also need to submit an application through the Office of Admissions. Transcripts of any coursework completed at another institution since dismissal also should be sent to the Office of Admissions

The University reserves the right to require action on behalf of any student who is readmitted from Academic Dismissal. Such action may include, but is not limited to, repeating failed courses, taking a reduced course load, changing majors, participating in the SOAR program, or enrolling in courses designed to assist the student.