Koblegard Student Union

IRSC’s Koblegard Student Union (KSU) houses a number of student-oriented offices including: the Office of Student Life, First Year Experience Program, Student Conduct, the Office of Student Experience and Leadership, the College Ombudsman/Student Advocate, the River Shop bookstore, the Student Engagement Center, mailroom and River Café. For more information on Student Life programming please visit RiverLife via your student portal at https://irsc.campuslabs.com/engage, email StudentLife@irsc.edu, visit us at the KSU 100 Suite, or call the Office of Student Life at (772) 462 – 4706.
In addition, the KSU serves as the information outlet for student notices, digital boards with activities announced, bulletin boards and the Lost and Found Department. At the Office of Student Life, you can pick up your IRSC Student Photo ID and parking decal. These are provided at no cost to the student.