The College Faculty Assembly

Charge of the College Faculty Assembly

The College Faculty Assembly acts on both academic program matters and recommendations dealing with College Faculty personnel policies. The addition or deletion of an academic major and modifications in the stated personnel policies for College Faculty require the approval of the President and the Board of Trustees. The College Faculty Assembly controls its own internal affairs, providing its actions do not conflict with the actions of the Trustees or the General Assembly. The College Faculty Assembly does not have the power to take actions involving the expenditure of College funds unless the monies have been appropriated by the Administrative Committee or the Board of Trustees. The general functions and powers of the College Faculty Assembly are subject to the Bylaws and policies of the Berea College Board of Trustees.


The voting membership of the College Faculty Assembly consists of (1) all full-time faculty who hold tenured, tenure-track, or continuing non-tenurable appointments (i.e., all full-time faculty except those with temporary appointments); (2) administrators who have faculty rank of Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor; and (3) faculty with part-time teaching assignments (a) whose instructional load has been at least half-time for two consecutive years and (b) whose instructional appointment is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.

College Faculty Assembly Meetings

Joint meetings of the College Faculty Assembly and the General Assembly Delegates will be held. All members are encouraged to join the discussion. Meetings are open to all Berea College non-student employees (attendance and voice). Meetings are usually held monthly during the academic year and are scheduled by the Executive Council. Annually, the Executive Council will designate an individual to chair the meetings.

A majority of the voting members of the College Faculty Assembly constitutes a quorum. Quorum will be established at the beginning of each term. For purposes of quorum calculations, College Faculty Assembly members on approved leave will not be counted as voting members.

Regular and special meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, as modified by the faculty in March, 1991, to provide for secret ballots upon the request of one individual. In addition, the Constitution of the General Assembly and College Faculty Assembly, approved in 2008, is in effect.