WELL 242 Scuba

Prerequisite: medical clearance (PADI) and pass the swim test (swim 200 yards and tread water for 10 minutes), or permission of instructor

A study of the theory, principles and practice associated with scuba diving. Specifically, this course will explore the physics, physiology, equipment and environmental concerns associated with scuba diving along with specific skill development intended to prepare a safe and responsible scuba diver. This course follows the guidelines established by PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) and covers the first two phases; knowledge development and confined water dive skills. After successful completion of this course, the scuba candidate is eligible to complete the final phase for Open Water Certification. Course fee: $160 for text, related materials and equipment rental. In addition, students will obtain their own mask, fins and snorkel. Meets 1/4 credit HHP activity requirement.


1/4 Course Credit

Cross Listed Courses

HHP 242