
Student Health Services (operated by White House Clinics through Berea Primary Care) is the health services provider for students.

Student Health Services of Berea Primary care is operated by White House Clinics. There are 8 offices in the region and students may be seen at any location.  Most students will find it most convenient to go to Berea Primary Care which is located in St. Joseph Berea Hospital through the main hospital entryway (not through the Emergency Room entrance).

Services provided by Student Health Services include:

  • acute care (sore throats, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.)
  • chronic care (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.)
  • screenings/health maintenance (pap smears, sports and other physicals, health education, etc.)

Tetanus boosters, meningitis, hepatitis A & B, and various other immunizations necessary for travel to certain countries are provided by Student Health Services to patients at cost.  

Allergy injections ordered by an allergist are administered to students during regular Student Health Services hours at no charge.  Tuberculosis (TB) screening is also provided.

Students are entitled to unlimited visits at Student Health Services for no additional charge each term after the required health fee has been paid. Student’s dependents may utilize Student Health Services for an additional health fee (also must be paid each term.)

Student Health Services of White House Clinics has a strong network for specialty care, and provides referrals for various procedures, tests, specialists and sub-specialists that are not covered by the student health fee and may be charged to the student’s insurance including:

  • x-rays,
  • medically necessary diagnostic studies (MRI, CT Scan, etc.)
  • other tests as determined
  • specialty physicians as medically warranted

After-Hours Care

When Student Health Services is closed, an on-call physician at St. Joseph Berea Hospital can be accessed by calling the hospital operator (859-986-3151) and asking for the physician on call for Berea Student Health Services or call Berea Primary Care at (859-985-1415) and select the after hours care prompt to be routed to St. Joseph Berea Hospital for a physician call back.

Student Health Services Hours of Operation:

Monday, 8:30-4:30

Tuesday, 8:30-7:00

Wednesday, 8:30-4:30

Thursday, 8:30-4:30

Friday, 8:30-4:30

On Saturdays, students can access White House Clinics Berea location, 8:00-noon, and the Richmond location from 8:00-5:00.


If a student has an emergency while in Berea and is unable to get to the clinic or hospital, an ambulance should be called through 911.  As soon as possible, Public Safety (ext. 3333) or a member of Residence Life staff should also be contacted to further assist as needed. The student is responsible for the ambulance charge.


The relationship between physicians, other health-care providers, counselors and patients is always confidential.  Patient records are confidential and all records are managed according to HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act guidelines.  Patient information is not shared with other college personnel or parents without the informed, written consent of the student/patient except in cases of extreme urgency in which the life or safety of the patient or other persons is at risk.

At times, health providers may be required by law to report infectious diseases to public health officials.  Patients will be informed when reporting of this information is mandatory.

Student Health Services complies with and abides by the provisions of HIPAA.  Patient access to professional records also is subject to the Records Access and Protections provision in this publication.

Counseling Services

Professional counseling and psychological services are provided by licensed therapists through Berea College Counseling for students who may wish to discuss academic, personal, psychological, or social problems. The services provided are confidential and free of charge to all students. Anyone seeking confidential counseling services should contact Counseling Services (ext. 3212) to arrange an initial intake interview. During the intake interview, a licensed therapist will assess the student’s needs to determine appropriate services. Individual, group, or couples counseling, further assessment, or a referral to another department or service may be recommended. Students wishing to talk with someone off-campus may contact Bluegrass Regional Comprehensive Care, Richmond, Kentucky, (859-623-9367) or a private therapist of their choice. However, students will be responsible for payment of any charges incurred when using off-campus resources. (Also see Management of Psychological and Behavioral Disturbances.)

Missed Counseling Appointment Charge Policy

Students who miss College scheduled appointments for psychiatric consultation without giving 24 hours prior notice will be assessed a $15 missed appointment fee that will be charged to the Student Account.

Dental Coverage

Covered Dental Treatment:

Dental Services provided by White House Clinics to Berea College Students, the following dental care:

  • Emergency Dental Evaluation -dental examination for toothache, fractured teeth, pain, swelling, oral trauma, etc.
  • Comprehensive Examination -x-rays, oral examination, diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Periodic Examination -6 month and/or 12 month exams and cleanings
  • Restorative procedures -fillings completed with either amalgam (silver) or composite (tooth color) materials
  • Extractions -including simple and some surgical extraction
  • Root Canal Therapy -limited to anterior and premolar
  • Post-Operative Dental Care
  • Oral Cancer Screening
  • Dental Prophylaxis -routine cleanings
  • Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing -deep cleanings below the gum line for patients diagnosed with gum disease
  • Periodontal Maintenance -follow up exams after Scaling and Root Planing appointments
  • Sealants
  • Fluoride Varnishes
  • Patient Education and Case Management


Co-pays and co-insurances will apply. White House Clinics will bill insurance. Students will be responsible for the payment of all charges which are not covered by insurance, such as:  Crowns, Bridges, Partials, and Dentures.

Some services may be referred for specialty care at the sole discretion of the treating dentist. The cost for visits to specialty dentists or for specialty care will not be included in or covered by the Comprehensive Fee.

The following are examples, and not an exhaustive list, of circumstances that may result in a referral for specialty care:

  • Extractions;
  • 3rd molars (wisdom teeth);
  • patients with complex or compromised health histories;
  • patients requiring sedation;
  • complex extraction cases;
  • Root Canal Therapy;
  • Molar root canals;
  • complex anterior and premolar cases;
  • Sedation - Any patients requiring sedation or nitrous oxide in order for services to be performed will be referred out as White House Clinics do not provide these services.


If a situation is deemed a health/illness emergency, care should be sought at the St. Joseph Berea Hospital Emergency Room.  Emergency room expenses not covered by insurance are the student/patient’s responsibility.

Health Insurance Requirement

All students attending Berea College are required to carry health insurance. Students who have insurance through a group health plan of a parent(s) or under a parent's individual health insurance plan are not required to carry health insurance through the College if the student is under the age of 26.  The College will continue to offer its student health insurance plan to international students and to students outside of Kentucky whose insurance coverage cannot be used outside of their state.  See College Insurance Plan and Plan Year.

For students eligible for the College policy, the insurance premium is part of the Student Expense budget and reflected there as a fee. Students’ dependents may be added to the College plan at an additional premium.

Under the College policy, benefits and exclusions are explained in a brochure sent to each student along with an insurance card each term. This card must be presented when seeking medical care, other than at Student Health Services, such as at an emergency room or a specialist’s office. Students are responsible for submitting claim forms.


Inpatient services, including some surgeries, are available at St. Joseph Berea Hospital. All costs of hospitalization, including specialists' fees, will be billed to the student's insurance.  Any outstanding balance will be the student's responsibility.

Medical Absence Excuses

Student Health Services staff will not provide written absence excuses due to illness or office visits.  Students who miss class or work for medical reasons should tell the instructor or supervisor in advance, if possible.  Instructors or supervisors may request supporting information, as appropriate, in writing with the student’s signed authorization for release of medical information or confirmation.

Off-Campus Emergencies

When a health emergency arises during approved off-campus activities, the College designated person-in-charge shall confer with medical providers at the Student Health Services if at all possible.  When the emergency is such that the student can safely be brought back to campus, s/he will be placed in the care of the medical staff at Student Health Services.  When an emergency is such that the student cannot be brought back to campus safely, the student shall be cared for at the nearest appropriate facility.

Student Health and Dental Service Appointments

For an appointment at Student Health or Dental Services call (859) 985-1415.

Prescriptions ordered for students may be filled at the student’s expense at any of the White House Clinics pharmacies, or at a pharmacy of the student’s choice.

Prescriptions are not covered by the College health-insurance policy.

Summer Services

Students who pay the summer health fee will receive the same medical services as provided during the school year.