2016-2017 Catalog
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APS - Appalachian Studies
ARH - Art History
ART - Art
AST - Asian Studies
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CFS - Child and Family Studies
CHI - Chinese
CHM - Chemistry
COM - Communication
CSC - Computer Science
ECO - Economics
EDS - Education Studies
ENG - English
FRN - French
GER - German
GRK - Greek
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HEB - Hebrew
HHP - Health and Human Performance
HIS - History
HLT - Health
JPN - Japanese
LAT - Latin
LES - Law Ethics and Society
MAT - Math
MUA - Applied Music
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PHI - Philosophy
PHY - Physics
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
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THR - Theatre
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2016-2017 Catalog
Course Descriptions
» Narrative Courses
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Narrative Courses
ACC 350
ACC 440
ACC 501
ACC 523
ACC 525
An approved BIO 386/486
An approved course in Latin American History
and other courses subject to program approval
And the study of a foreign language through the third (103) level
Another foreign language through the 103 level
Any other approved CSC offerings
Approved BIO 386/486 courses
Approved field-station courses
Approved Molecular, Cellular, and Systems Biology course
Approved research experience
CFS 125 Introduction to Internet Programming
CFS 186/286/386/486
CFS 395/495
COM 186/286/386/486
COM 390/490/395/495/397/497/398/498
COM 390/490A
COM 390/490B
COM 395/495
COM 397/497A
COM 397/497B
COM 398/498
And one of the folling:
CSC 100-499
designated sections of ENG 280A
EDS 355 or EDS 395E Experiences in Alternative Settings
Either one (1) ECO or BUS course at the 200-level or above, or CSC/BUS 114
Either one (1) ECO or BUS course at the 200-level or above
One approved Field Course
Five (5) additional ANR course credits
Four (4) ANR elective course credits (three of which must be at the 300 level or higher)
Higher (or waiver)
MUS Applied
MUS Ensemble primary instrument
MUS Ensemble primary instrument or career related
One (1) approved 300- or 400-level field course
One (1) course, which must be approved by the Dual Degree Engineering Advisor.
One Dance-activity class (1/4 course credit)
only when focused on Legal Writing
Other courses and special topics that would meet student needs selected by careful faculty advising
Other courses approved by the Program
Other courses approved by the Women’s and Gender Studies Program
Other courses approved for Appalachian Studies credit
Other TAD courses
PED 390/490A
PED 390/490B
PED 395/495
PED 397/497A
PED 397/497B
PED 398/498
Plus either
Possible Alternate to 355
Primary instrument
Specific sections of 186/286/386/486, if approved by the Peace and Social Justice Studies program
Three (3) ANR elective course credits (two of which must be at the 300 level or higher)
Two (2) studio courses at the 100 level
Two (2) studio courses at the 200 level or above
UGR 010 Undergraduate Research (On-campus)
UGR 020 Undergraduate Research (Off-Campus)
WGS 386/486 Special Topics
WGS 390/490 Independent Study
WGS 395/495 Internship
WGS 397/497 Team Initiated Study
WGS 398/498 Directed Study