Catalog 2024-2025


The following studio/performance-oriented courses require the consent of the instructor for admission and may be repeated for additional credit.

ART 401 Special Projects

Independent research or creative project under the guidance of a member of the Art faculty. Emphasis maybe in any of the disciplines with the department. May be repeated for credit. Requires the submission of a signed Independent Study form to register.
Credit Hours: 1-6


Instructor and Chair signature.

ART 411 Internship

This experiential-learning course involves placement in a professional arts setting (such as an advertising agency, magazine, museum, gallery, studio or other related enterprise) for hands-on work experience. May be repeated for additional credit for a maximum total of four (4) credits.
Credit Hours: 1-4


Junior and senior art majors only, with consent of instructor.

ART 412 Art Therapy Practicum

This internship is designed to give students hands-on experience using art in a therapeutic capacity. Students may select from a number of agencies and work under the supervision of art therapists, artists in residence, art educators, child life specialists, activity therapists or counselors. May be repeated for credit. 

Credit Hours: 2


Any two of the following courses: ART 230, ART 330, ART 331, ART 333. Juniors and seniors only, or permission of the instructor.

ART 413 Experimental Drawing II

An inquiry-based studio course that is a continuation of ART 304: Experimental Drawing I; continued development and ambition for a deeper engagement with course concepts is expected.

Credit Hours: 4


ART 304

ART 423 Contemporary Art and Theory

This course explores works that have shaped the perception of contemporary art in a global world. We investigate major themes of contemporary art through a wide range of works that touch upon even wider varieties of materials, stylistic approaches, technologies, and theories. Through a case study approach incorporating artists from around the world, students explore how art offers possibilities for and challenges to the urgent questions of our time.
Credit Hours: 4


AWR 101 and AWR 201; Junior/Senior standing

ART 425 BFA Art Capstone Preparation

This course trains students in selected, advanced theoretical perspectives and research practices as preparation for their final capstone project. It helps students reflect upon and apply knowledge and skills learned throughout their education at UT (in their major and in Spartan Studies) and serves as the first part of a required sequence for BFA students. Students explore important historical and contemporary debates as well as artistic exempla that intersect with and can inform their own developing artistic practice. Regular instruction, faculty mentorship, and practical exercises establish proficiency in multiple genres of artistic and scholarly writing. The course contributes credits toward the Spartan Studies Culminating Experience requirement.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 2


"B" or higher in ART 190, and Spartan Studies Requirements: First-Year Seminar (UTAMPA 101 and UTAMPA 102 or UTAMPA 103 or UTAMPA 104), Math, AWR 101, AWR 201, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201 Core Humanities, Core Social Science

ART 427 Studio Lighting II

As a continuation of Art 327, this course is to develop ideas and approaches to generate an individual photography portfolio exploring various lighting techniques.

Credit Hours: 4


ART 327

ART 428 Experimental Photography II

As a continuation of Art 328, this course is for advanced exploration utilizing experimental photography techniques. Students refine skill sets and approaches for a unique photographic portfolio pursuing various experimental and alternative processes. Emphasis is on creation and presentation of a cohesive body of exhibition-quality work.

Credit Hours: 4


ART 328

ART 429 BFA Graphic Design Capstone Preparation

This course is the first in a two-part sequence designed to train students in advanced research methodologies and practices specific to design. Students will draw upon the knowledge and skills they've acquired across their education at UT to deep dive into the influence of graphic design on the dynamics of social, cultural, and economic identities and relationships – examining how it both shapes and reshapes humanity. Emphasis is placed on the utilization of research frameworks and tools, incorporating participatory action research to craft a proposal that will serve as the foundational structure for their capstone design project, which will be developed in ART 499.  

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 2


minimum of "B" in ART 190 and Spartan Studies Requirements: First-Year Seminar (UTAMPA 101 and UTAMPA 102 or UTAMPA 103 or UTAMPA 104), Math, AWR 101, AWR 201, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201 Core Humanities, Core Social Science


ART 329

ART 440 Practicum: Workshop

Students will participate in an intensive three-day workshop with an internationally renowned artist through our Visiting Artist Program. The practicum will provide an experience-based learning opportunity to enrich the student's artistic knowledge, process and growth as they work and collaborate with these professionals. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 2


Any 100/200-level studio art course and permission of the Department Chair.

ART 441 Practicum: Assistantship

Students will work with faculty on their professional research and scholarship in a capacity that involves hands-on experience in research, pre-production, production, and post-production aspects of being an art professional. The practicum will provide an experience-based learning opportunity to enrich the student's knowledge, process and growth as they work and collaborate with these professionals. May be repeated for credit.
Credit Hours: 2


Permission of the Department Chair.

ART 442 Practicum: Meridian Scholar

Students will participate as an assistant during an intensive project with an internationally renowned artist through our Meridian Scholar 10-day residency program. The practicum will provide an experience-based learning opportunity to enrich the student's artistic knowledge, process and growth as they work and collaborate with these professionals. May be repeated for credit.
Credit Hours: 2


Any 100/200-level studio art course and permission of the Department Chair.

ART 445 Museum Theory

This course prepares students to critically engage with the challenges facing museums and the objects housed within them. It introduces students to theories of historical and contemporary museum practice with an emphasis on the conceptual and applied ethics of museum collections, display, design, and exhibitions across varied museological contexts. Courses may focus on global contemporary curatorial theories, ethical care of objects and living collections, museum historiography, among others, as chosen by the instructor. May be repeated if topic changes.
Credit Hours: 4


AWR 101 & AWR 201.

ART 450 Advanced Studio

A studio/performance oriented course that provides an opportunity to build upon existing discipline specific skills, concepts and processes while developing independence, self-motivation, and artistic maturity. This course provides the time and focus to create a significant and fully realized body of work while exploring the intellectual connections between studio work and readings, writings, and discussions in contemporary art and culture. May be repeated for credit.  

Credit Hours: 4


Any 300-level ART studio course.

ART 461 Sculpture Mold-Making and Casting III

As a continuation of ART 361, this course continues exploration in methods of mold making practices casting and new technology and media. Advanced students are expected to continue their exploration into the processes and techniques of sculpture and enhancing their and body of work.

Credit Hours: 4


ART 361

ART 462 Experimental Sculpture III

As a continuation ART 362, this course continues exploration in traditional sculptural practices and new technology and media with an emphasis on advanced techniques and processes in an effort to develop a body of three-dimensional artworks. The course will challenge students to set personal goals in terms of research and art production.

Credit Hours: 4


ART 362

ART 466 Museum Studies Capstone

This course helps students reflect upon and apply the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout their education at UT as a Museum Studies major and as a Spartan. Students will develop an individualized, interdisciplinary project that connects their art historical and museological studies to skills, methods, and content they have acquired from other disciplines. Students will research, prepare, and present results demonstrating the successful implementation of a project of their choice (such as an exhibition proposal, public museum program, or scholarly article) via the creation and submission of multi-modal (written, oral, and multimedia) deliverables.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4


All of the following: (ART 130, ART 170, ART 225, ART 244, ART 245) AND one of the following (ART 345 or ART 445) AND one of the following (ART 323, ART 357, or ART 423) AND Spartan Studies Requirements: First-Year Seminar (UTAMPA 101 and UTAMPA 102 or UTAMPA 103 or UTAMPA 104), Math, AWR 101, AWR 201, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201 Core Humanities, Core Social Science

ART 471 Fabrication Design II

Fabrication Design II is an advanced level course and a continuation of Art 371. In this course, emphasis is given to a deeper investigation of the materials and techniques in 2D, 3D modeling, and 3D rendering technologies, combined with rapid prototyping and fabrication methods that use state-of-the-art CNC-milling machines, 3D printers, and laser cutters. Students will explore and engage in more advanced techniques and processes in an effort to develop a body of work consistent with the growing demand in today's competitive professional and creative maker focused environment.
Credit Hours: 4


ART 371

ART 475 Digital Arts III

This is a dynamic studio and seminar forum that explores theoretical, social, technical, and contextual research and concerns within digital art practices. We will extend your knowledge from Digital Arts I and II by investigating various contemporary methodologies and technologies. Within this course, you will hone your body of work through conceptual development and critique. This course is designed to give students an interdisciplinary approach to emerging technologies in the arts and design disciplines.
Credit Hours: 4


ART 375

ART 490 Collaboration Studio

Collaboration Studio is a unique experience that emphasizes collaborative and team-based making strategies. Many artists find their voice through cooperation and productive group problem solving across disciplinary lines. Collaboration Studio seeks to foster a spirit of discovery and open exploration as students and faculty work together in a wide range of studio experiences and create a synergistic group dynamic that will inform and advance the work of all participants.  Collaboration Studio is not a traditional class; it is an experience. The project culminates in an Open House Exhibition. May be repeated for credit.

Credit Hours: 4


ART 102, ART 103, ART 104, ART 105, ART 110, and ART 298

ART 497 Art Therapy Capstone

This Course will enable students to participate in critical reflection assignments that investigate personal and professional development. Students will focus on developing a research poster on a question related to the art therapy profession capturing how the research builds on social science and humanities. The student will also complete a portfolio of art work that demonstrates proficiency with a variety of mediums and an understanding of art's purpose as an instrument of transformation.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4


ART 412 AND Spartan Studies Requirements: First-Year Seminar (UTAMPA 101 and UTAMPA 102 or UTAMPA 103 or UTAMPA 104), Math, AWR 101, AWR 201, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201 Core Humanities, Core Social Science

ART 498 BFA Art Capstone and Exhibition

This course is the second of two in the BFA Capstone Experience. In this course students will develop and produce a cohesive body of artworks specifically designed for inclusion and presentation in the BFA Capstone Exhibition. Students will apply and fabricate the proper techniques and procedures for planning, presenting and mounting an organized body of work within a gallery or museum context. Emphasis also is given to the development (revision and finalization) of an artist's statement, the organizing of a cumulative process book, as well as publicly presenting their research. The course contributes credits toward the Spartan Studies Culminating Experience requirement.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4


“B” or higher in ART 190 and ART 425 AND the following Spartan Studies Requirements: First-Year Seminar (UTAMPA 101 and UTAMPA 102 or UTAMPA 103 or UTAMPA 104), Math, AWR 101, AWR 201, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201 Core Humanities, Core Social Science

ART 499 BFA Graphic Design Capstone

This course is the culminating experience in which students will develop a comprehensive project that intersects with and informs their own design practice. Students will produce the project deliverables from their project proposal completed in ART429. Upon completion of the design and installation of the project at one of UT’s galleries, students will complete their Post-Culminating Experiences Reflection. This course partially satisfies the requirements for the Spartan Studies Culminating Experience.

Spartan Studies:


Credit Hours: 4


minimum “B” in ART 190 and ART 429, Spartan Studies First-Year Seminar, Mathematics, AWR 101, AWR 201, UTAMPA 200, UTAMPA 201, core humanities, and core social science