Catalog 2021-2022

General Information About Admission

The Admissions Committee of the University may, upon request, review the documents of any applicant and, based on individual circumstances, make exceptions to the requirements mentioned in the above sections.

Falsification of information on an application for admission may result in dismissal or nonadmission. The University reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant or readmission to any student, or to dismiss any student whose conduct is judged detrimental to the University program.  Students whose final semester grades (high school or college if a transfer student) are deemed below average by the admissions committee may have their admission to the university rescinded.

No portion of an applicant’s academic record from another institution should be withheld; this may result in a permanent dismissal without credit for work completed at The University of Tampa.

A condition of any admission to the University is that students must certify that he or she will not unlawfully possess, use, sell, purchase, manufacture, deliver or possess with intent to sell, purchase, manufacture or deliver any controlled substance while enrolled at UT.

The University of Tampa takes student postings on social media sites seriously. Students who post illegal behavior or threatening comments on social media sites may have their admission to the University rescinded or may be permanently dismissed from the University.