Catalog 2021-2022

Summary of the Baccalaureate Experience Requirements

A. Two-Year Learning Community 13–14 total credits 
AWR 101 4
AWR 201 4
MAT 155, MAT 160 or higher (except for MAT 180 and MAT 201) 4
  BAC 100
BAC 101 and BAC 102 (first-year students only); HON 101 and HON 102 (first-year Honors Program students only), BAC 104 (veterans only)
1 or 2
B. Natural Science Component (NS) 6 total credits
Biological Science 3
Physical/Chemical Science 3
C. Humanities/Fine Arts Component (HFA) 11 total credits
D. Social Science Component (SS) 11 total credits
E. Art/Aesthetic (A) 3 total credits
F. Non-Western and International/Global Awareness (NW/IG) 9 total credits
  Writing Intensive requirement (W) 9 total credits