Catalog 2021-2022

C. Humanities/Fine Arts Component 11 credit hours (HFA)

To fulfill this requirement, students must take courses in the following disciplines: dance, English/literature, foreign languages, linguistics, music, philosophy, religion, speech and theatre, plus those art, film, media, and animation, communication, writing and women’s and gender studies courses so designated in the Course Descriptions section of this catalog. Courses taken to fulfill this requirement must be selected from at least two different disciplines. Students may apply up to 4 credit hours in studio/performance-oriented courses toward this requirement. To qualify for the studio/performance designation, the majority of the course must focus on the student’s creation or performance of works (see Course Descriptions).

A combination of the following courses in Speech and Languages and Linguistics cannot solely be used to satisfy all of a student's HFA requirements: SPE 100; SPE 200; SPE 208; ARA 101/102; ASL 101/102; CHI 101/102; FRE 101/102/105; GER 101/102; ITA 101/102; JPN 101/102; LAT 101/102; POR 101/102; SPA 101/102/105. At least one HFA course must be taken outside of these Speech and introductory language courses.

Courses used to satisfy requirements in the humanities/fine arts component cannot be used to satisfy requirements in the major for students with one major, except where specified elsewhere in the catalog, but may be used to satisfy requirements in any minor and in one major for students with two majors.