Catalog 2021-2022

Graduate Academic Appeals Process

It is understood that the student meets first with the instructor and the program director/department chair to resolve the academic issue at hand.

If the matter remains unresolved, the student must notify the program director in writing within five working days that an appeal is forthcoming. The written appeal must be submitted within ten working days of this notification, providing all supporting documents at that time.

The designated graduate appeals committee within the college must acknowledge receipt of the appeal and accompanying documents with five working days. Normally within ten working days of this acknowledgement the committee will notify the student in writing of its decision.

The student may appeal the committee decision, in writing, to the college dean within ten working days of notification. The appeal statement, however, must justify the need for a further level of review - by providing new evidence or evidence that the review process has somehow been violated. Should the appeal merit further consideration, the dean reviews the complete documentation from the student and the committee and has the option to consult with members of the college committee, to meet with the student making the appeal, and to ask for additional documentation. The dean issues a decision, normally withing ten working days.

Only if the student provides new evidence about the case, beyond the dean's level of review, or evidence that the review process has been violated, may the college dean's decision be appealed to the associate dean of graduate studies. This written appeal must be delivered within ten working days of the dean's decision. If this justification is not established, the associate dean of graduate studies notifies the student (normally within ten working days) that the appeals process is complete. Should the appeal merit further consideration, the associate dean of graduate studies has the option to review all documentation pertaining to the case, to consult with members of the college committee and with the college dean, to meet with the student making the appeal and to ask for additional documentation.  The associate dean of graduate studies notifies the student of the decision normally within ten working days. The decision is final.