Teaching Practica

All incoming education majors (except physical education) starting in the fall 2020 semester will participate in five practicum experiences.

Candidates desiring to enroll in the Teaching Practicum IV: Final Internship program (EDU 413) must apply the semester preceding the proposed practicum. The application for the final internship includes the following:

  • Completed Intern Application Form.
  • Unofficial copy of transcript documenting a 3.0 GPA or higher with no “I” (incomplete) grades, and completion of a minimum of 30 credit hours in the UT Teacher Preparation program.
  • Disposition Assessment.
  • Criminal Record Information Form.
  • Documentation providing proof of fingerprinting.
  • Official documentation of passing scores on the Professional Area Exam (PED) and Subject Area Exam (SAE) of the FTCE, or proof of registration for either section not yet passed.
  • At the end of the semester prior to candidates’ final internships, the ARD Committee will audit and review through LiveText whether candidates have received a grade of acceptable or higher on all UCC standards in all critical tasks. Candidates who fail this requirement will not be permitted to commence their final internships.

All requirements are subject to change to comply with state Department of Education regulations.

Students enrolled in EDU 413 must concurrently enroll in EDU 410 Teaching Practicum IV Seminar (all Elementary majors must additionally enroll in EDU 418 Reading Practicum). No other courses may be taken during Practicum IV (the final internship).

Students who major in Education and graduate from UT’s approved teacher education program satisfy the eligibility criteria for a Professional Florida teaching certificate and an initial teaching certificate in most other states. More information regarding internships can be found in the Practicum IV Intern Handbook, which is distributed prior to the Practicum IV internship (final internship).

Students who complete the Professional Education Minor and meet all State requirements satisfy eligibility requirements for a Temporary Florida teaching certificate. Students enrolled in the minor are provided with the coursework that, in conjunction with successful completion of Florida teacher certification examinations, one year of successful teaching experience, and successful completion of a district approved competence demonstration program for first year teachers, allows for converting a three year non-renewable Temporary Certification into a five year renewable Professional Certification.

Teacher Education Course Sequence

The course sequences for each teacher education program are posted in the “Majors and Minors” section of the UT website. The “Quick Help Guide” may also be found on the UT Blackboard website and outside of the Education Department Office. Please note teacher education majors must complete a prescribed series of core courses to fulfill certification requirements.

It is the student’s responsibility to meet all institutional requirements for Florida teacher certification. Every effort should be made to take the courses in the semester sequence outlined in the “Quick Help Guide.” Failure to do so may result in a lengthening of the undergraduate program, postponing the anticipated date of graduation. Please note that some courses must be taken concurrently with others to fulfill all requirements.