5.2 Academic Integrity Policy
MGH IHP Prerequisites Program affirms its strong commitment to establishing, upholding, and enforcing rigorous standards of academic integrity.
- All students and faculty within the prerequisites program are expected to abide by the Academic Integrity Policy outlined by MGH Institute of Health Professions.
- Use of technology is foundational to online prerequisites courses. All students and faculty within the prerequisites program are expected to act with integrity when interacting with technological platforms, online resources, and remote instruction.
- Those affiliated with the MGH IHP Prerequisite Program are expected to be honest in all aspects of their academic pursuits.
Should violations to any of the points above occur, regardless of intent, prerequisites students will face the following disciplinary actions. Once a student has been informed that an instance of academic misconduct is suspected, the student may not drop the course until they are formally notified of any resulting disciplinary actions.
Reporting: All offenses will be reported to the Program Director and Team Lead for the purposes of tracking violations across prerequisites courses and throughout a students’ affiliation with IHP.
In cases of academic misconduct by first-time offenders: Institute faculty or administrators will issue an email warning to a student. Repercussions of these offenses may include a hearing, required remediation, and/or a grade penalty up to and including a failing grade in the course.
Cases of serious offenses of academic misconduct or repeat offenders: Institute faculty or administrators will issue a written warning (delivered through email) to a student. Repercussions of these offenses may include a hearing, required remediation, a grade penalty up to and including a failing grade in the course, suspension from the prerequisites program, and/or dismissal from the MGH IHP.
Hearings: Hearings about academic misconduct can be requested by a student, faculty, Team Lead, or Program Director. Hearings may be convened to determine whether a violation has occurred, to discern the seriousness of a violation, and/or to decide on a course of disciplinary actions. Hearings will generally occur within 2 weeks of a violation being reported.
If the student is not satisfied with the action taken by the prerequisites program, they may initiate may initiate an appeal through the School of Healthcare Leadership. See SHL Grievance Policy in SHL Section. This procedure must be initiated within 10 business days of the student being notified of the program’s intended disciplinary actions.