3. Health Professions Teaching and Learning Certificate (HP-TLC)
The HP-TLC consists of three 3-credit courses that can be comprised from among the following three credit courses: HE712, HE713, HE714, HE718, HE741 (total = 9 credits).
The HP-TLC is intended to provide the foundation for those interested in improving themselves as educators. It has been created to enable some flexibility to customize the coursework to a specific student’s needs. There are no admissions requirements. The courses also provide an introduction to Master’s level study of education of Health Professionals.
Anyone in any health profession interested in applying the science of and improving one’s practice of instructional design and teaching will benefit from these courses.
Participants should enter the Certificate program with a specific course or learning experience that they would like to develop.
By the conclusion of the Certificate program, the learner will have a fully constructed course plan, multiple opportunities to develop instructional designs for leading discussion in face-to-face (f2f)/classroom discussion, planning and implementing an experiential learning activity in a variety of settings (academic, lab, clinical instruction, simulation-based, online, etc.). Specific emphasis will be placed on learning with online-based tools regardless of the setting.
HP-TLC Outcome goals:
By the conclusion of this certificate, the learner will be able to:
1. Apply the science of teaching and learning across modalities. (f2f, online, experiential [includes simulation-based].
2. Apply the principles of instructional design and measurement of instructional effectiveness to produce effective and efficient instruction across modalities.
3. Complete a detailed plan (synthesis) for a specific health professions education-related activity.
This 9-credit program provides the foundations in teaching, learning, and educational effectiveness and is focused on clinician educators and new faculty who want to improve her/his educational practices.
The certificate is a non-degree program; as such it does not have admissions process or requirements. Those interested may register for courses directly with the Registrar’s non-degree coordinator.
Students in the certificate of completion courses, who are not matriculated into a program at the Institute, will be advised by the faculty of the course in which they are enrolled.
Campus attendance, or residency, is not required for the Certificate.
Students must complete all course work for the certificate within three years of registering for the first course. There is no requirement of continuous enrollment. These policies are designed to make the certificate accessible to busy clinical instructors.