5.7 Student Organizations (NSSLHA/SAA)

Student Association of Audiology (SAA) The Student Academy of Audiology at IHP is the local chapter of the national student division of the American Academy of Audiology. SAA advances the rights and interests of students pursuing audiology. SAA introduces students to lifelong involvement in promoting and advancing audiology services, information, education, representation, and advocacy in the field. The national SAA has over 2,000 members including AuD, PhD, and undergraduate students. Members receive SAA resources including audiology related seminars and externship resources, and much more.

National and local Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA) Members receive access to ASHA journals, are eligible for scholarships and fellowships, and receive ASHA certification at a reduced rate after graduation.  Because two years of continuous NSSLHA enrollment are required for students to take full advantage of all the ASHA benefits upon graduation, AuD students are encouraged to join NSSLHA during their first semester of graduate study.